Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Family

Some people have these on their vehicles...but I'm a geek at heart...so they reside on my blog!

So apparently the people who designed these stick figures have never met us. While my hair might be right, I am not that skinny and I certainly have more than three fingers on each hand. Carlyn, almost NEVER wears a skirt...and if she does...she ALWAYS wears a shirt with it. Makayla would have ripped that bow out of her hair...probably because it didn't match with the skirt. And why does Ember look like Underdog run through a straw?!?


Anonymous said...

LOL. Your post reminds me of one of those cell phone commericials...you know, the ones where people don't have to worry about their wireless plans, so they have time to think about OTHER things. Glad to hear you have time to think about other things! ;-)

cceeyore said...

Carlyn would definitely wear a shirt ... but not a skirt! Makayla would also be wearing a shirt!

As for Ember, well, I have no words.

Anonymous said...

Uh...if Carlyn wears a shirt, but no skirt, does that mean she's walking around a la Winnie the Pooh?