Monday, July 21, 2008

And the winner is....

So, as many of you may know that my family and I have been looking for a new church.

We have decided that our new church is True North Church in Garner, NC. TNC meets in the White Oak theater and has tons of personality.

The senior pastor, Jon McClarnon, has a passionate heart for what God is doing in the Garner area. He's hilarious and down to earth...the kind of guy you'd wanna go have lunch with...

True North is cool because it doesn't have it all figured out. It is raw, and fresh, and new.

If you're in the Garner area on a Sunday morning, come check out True North (off Exit 306 on I-40).

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hard Stapled

So, as many of you know, I love movies. Even went to film school. But as of yet, I haven't done anything with my passion. Perhaps, just perhaps, this was the catalyst I needed to return and try to do something with film.

One of my friends, Christopher Moore, shot a critically acclaimed comedy short and has recently be invited to take part in an upcoming film festival.

Check out his short "Hard Stapled"