Tuesday, May 5, 2009

2 Weeks In...update

Two weeks ago, I changed my life. I didn't go on a diet, I made a lifestyle change.

"They" say that the first few weeks of a new habit are the hardest. Don't get me wrong, I have had my challenges, but all in all, I haven't really struggled with this. Is this just a mindset that I have suddenly entered into?

I wake up early to workout. 2 things wrong with that statement. "Early" and "workout"...two word that were 'bad' words in my vocabulary only 2 weeks ago. Don't tell anyone, but I actually look forward getting up and working out. It doesn't matter whether it is running with my new sneakers, or boxing on the Wii...I wakeup ready to go.

So, if you remember, my goal is to drop 100 lbs. As of this morning's weigh in, I have dropped 16.5 of those (in only 2 weeks). 83.5 left to go!

Hope the rain holds off tomorrow...gotta get runnin'!