Sunday, November 2, 2008

Don't worry

Today, Pastor Jon talked about not worrying. Most of what we worry about in life, we have NO control over...and no responsibility to be worrying about in the first place.

As we take a look at our lives, we need to see all the things we are thankful for...and not just the problems. As I look at my own life, there are a few things to note:

1. Both Carlyn's and my cars are old and have significant problems. least we live in a country where we are able to have two cars. We have freedom to go when and where we want.
2. We live paycheck to paycheck. least I have a job that pays as well as it does so that my wife can stay at home to raise our daughter.
3. Our 4 year old daughter is testing our patience everyday. least she is healthy and actually brings unmeasurable joy into our lives.
4. I have to drive 35 minutes to get to work. least I have that time to clear my head and sometimes spend with God.
5. We couldn't decide earlier what to have for dinner. least we had several options. God has provided us well.

And I was going to make my list longer, but realized....hey....why am I trying to come up with a list of things that I worry about, or that are troublesome. Honestly, if my list is only 5 things...and one is about what we had for dinner...I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination.

When you really get down to it...what are YOU worried about? Really?