Friday, March 14, 2008

Ahh...the smells of Spring!

This is the view I get when I pull up to work:

It's a lovely way to greet me at the beginning of my work day. The trees are in full bloom...just simply gorgeous.

But this scene isn't all it appears to be. You see, these trees are Bradford Pear Trees. I don't know if you have ever been around one of these when they are in full bloom, cuz, as nice as they look...they SMELL HORRIBLE!

I mean...somewhere between feet and butt (to be brutally honest)! When it's real bad, it's enough to choke a goat. But at least it looks nice, right?

Today it isn't actually TOO bad. I was able to take my sandwich outside and enjoy my lunch on a picnic table. Today is absolutely gorgeous!

God is GOOD! Please, go ahead and enjoy YOUR Friday. I hope that it is a beautiful (and not smelly) one!

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