Monday, November 12, 2007

Tried to fight it....and lost

I tried to fight it.  Mostly it was thrust upon me.  I didn't want to do it...but it just happened.

I got into the Christmas spirit!!!!

You see, I work for a church, okay?  Our Minister of Worship was practicing some Christmas songs and making arrangements for the upcoming services.  Strike 1.

And today, I had to start working on a video promo for our Christmas services.  This means, I revisited last year's service DVD to get some ideas....Strike 2.

The final blow...because I was working on a video, I had to load my Christmas music on my computer.  Strike 3.  I'm out.  I haven't been to the mall lately (I hear it is already pretty scary). 

Oh...and one more strike (I know I'm already out)....I sent out an email to my ministry team trying to plan out the Christmas party for this year.

 I will say, that I have already purchased one Christmas I guess I am a little ahead of the game.  But I have a long way to go before I will ever be like my friend, Chris.  He is done with his Christmas shopping already.

So, to share my mood with everyone, please enjoy this picture from a Christmas service here at C3 Church.

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