Thursday, February 28, 2008

Old things new again

Anyone else seeing this trend? I know that trend cycle through like this....but it just seems weird.

I mean, let's take a look at recent television, shall we? Since Christmas, we have seen the return of American Gladiators (Gladiators....ready?!?) and my beloved Knight Rider.

Don't get me started on the fact that it is a Mustang...that's for another blog at another time.

The truth is, my life is showing the same trend. Last week, I accepted an offer to return to NBC17 as one of their directors. You see, I left 17 almost two years ago to go into fulltime ministry. And now, because of some certain circumstances, I am looking forward to a job I already once held. Weird. Exciting. But with the new job overhaul...I won't be driving a pimped out'll still be driving my 10 year old purple Neon. Some trends never die.

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