Thursday, February 28, 2008

Old things new again

Anyone else seeing this trend? I know that trend cycle through like this....but it just seems weird.

I mean, let's take a look at recent television, shall we? Since Christmas, we have seen the return of American Gladiators (Gladiators....ready?!?) and my beloved Knight Rider.

Don't get me started on the fact that it is a Mustang...that's for another blog at another time.

The truth is, my life is showing the same trend. Last week, I accepted an offer to return to NBC17 as one of their directors. You see, I left 17 almost two years ago to go into fulltime ministry. And now, because of some certain circumstances, I am looking forward to a job I already once held. Weird. Exciting. But with the new job overhaul...I won't be driving a pimped out'll still be driving my 10 year old purple Neon. Some trends never die.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Princess Night

Makayla Grace....Cinderella. Cinderella....Makayla Grace.

Now we have to hear about it for MONTHS.....great mileage out of one night of fun.

For more on Princess Night...check out Carlyn's blog here.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Star Wars to a three year old...

Okay....there is only one other 3 year old that is this cute....but Makayla hasn't seen Star Wars yet.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

RIP Spanky. Welcome EUGENE. Who's next?

Okay...many of you know that the harddrives that I do most of my work with....have unique names.

Because I have so many files, it is necessary to name the harddrives so I can keep everything straight.

Today, I lost a good soldier. I haven't totally given up on him, because he still flickers a little bit....but SPANKY only has a short time to live. Please pray for Spanky. There are many good files that still reside in SPANKY...notably this week's C3 News.

I'd like to welcome one new player to the field. A harddrive that is on permanent loan from another staff member....let me introduce EUGENE. EUGENE promises to be a faithful harddrive.

But now...there is a new kid on the block. I purchased a personal harddrive... something I can back up my computer on and be able to transfer files home. But this kid doesn't have a I hold a contest.

Keep in mind, this name should work well with his co-workers: Big Daddy, Ethel, Stanley, Gertrude, Spanky, and Eugene.